Participating sites
PI: Prof Ranjit Manchanda
PI: Dr Nicola MacDonald
PI: Dr Kevin Monahan
PI: Dr Ketan Gajjar
PI: Dr Claire Newton
PI: Dr Laura Tookman
PI: Dr Fatima El-Khouly
PI: Prof Emma Crosbie
PI: Dr Mahalakshmi Gurumurthy
PI: Dr Ian Harley
CI: Dr Emma Cattell
CI: Dr Ashraf Azzabi
CI: Dr Partha Sengupta
PI: Dr David Constable-Phelps
PI: Dr Janos Balega
PI: Dr Timothy Duncan
PI: Dr Sonali Kaushik
PI: Dr Ioannis Biliatis
PI: Dr Natalia Povolotskaya
PI: Dr Omer Devaja
PI: Dr Rema Iyer
PI: Dr Rene Roux
PI: Prof Charlie Gourley
CI: Dr Andrew Phillips
CI: Dr Aarti Sharma
CI: Dr Neel Bhuva
Interactive map of sites
For patients randomised to the mainstreaming arm, sites will continue with routine standard practice with a small amount of additional data entry. For patients recruited to the direct-to-patient testing arm, the central team will take the responsibility of coordinating pre-test counselling, genetic testing, and return of genetic testing results to patients and their clinical team. Sites will be responsible for referring patients to local genetic service(s) as per site practices.
Clinical members of participating sites will also be asked to complete a questionnaire exploring the impact of direct-to-patient testing on their patients and their service.
Sites that are interested in delivering the DETECT-2 trial can contact the DETECT-2 team here.